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Dec 11, 2023

Remember when we explored Jane's touching surrogacy story? Well, today I've got another incredible surrogacy experience to share with you. Jessica Altman-Pollack was my childhood best friend. She lived across the street from me and we had countless sleepovers. We’d watch “Are You Afraid of the Dark?” and pretend we weren’t scared and then we’d try to do the choreography from the Janet Jackson “If” music video. Somehow, both of us ended up being interested in Labor & Delivery and Postpartum nursing. Jessica’s experience in surrogacy is unique and inspiring. She's on a heartfelt mission, to be a Labor & Delivery nurse, and her story is a beautiful reminder of the power of giving and connection. Her surrogacy path has been marked by empathy, commitment, and a deep love for helping others create their families.

Jessica's Surrogacy Adventure:

Jessica's entrance into the world of surrogacy wasn't planned; it was sparked by a deep desire to help her friends. "I never thought of becoming a surrogate until my friends shared their struggles with me," Jessica recalls. "That conversation was a turning point – I knew I had to help." Her journey, encompassing both traditional and gestational surrogacy, spanned five surrogacies, including the joy of bringing two sets of twins into the world. Her motivation stemmed from a profound desire to share her love for pregnancy and motherhood with others who dreamt of the same.

The First Step:

It all started with a heartfelt conversation with her friends, who had faced a tough road trying to become parents. Her friends, after exhausting emotional and financial resources in their quest to become parents, reached out for help. The thought of surrogacy had never crossed Jessica's mind until that moment. Yet, faced with their plight, she felt a compelling urge to help. Supported by her wife, Jessica embarked on a path filled with profound emotional and physical experiences, forever altering the lives of several families, including her own. Jessica's decision was both brave and selfless. "It felt natural to me, offering to help. It was about giving something invaluable to someone dear," she explains. With her wife's unwavering support, Jessica embarked on this life-changing path.

Navigating the Emotional Landscape:

One of the cornerstones of Jessica's success in surrogacy was her approach to managing the emotional aspects.  She viewed each pregnancy through a pragmatic lens. "I always reminded myself that I was doing something beautiful for another family. It was my way of helping, not my journey of motherhood," she shares. This perspective was particularly vital in her first surrogacy, where she also provided her eggs. She viewed each surrogacy with a clear, professional boundary, crucial in maintaining her emotional well-being. Despite the biological link, Jessica maintained a clear distinction, seeing the pregnancies not as her own but as a vital part of a larger commitment to aiding others in realizing their parenthood dreams.

Let's Work TogetherĀ 

Ready to take the next step in your maternal wellness journey? I'm here to support you every step of the way. Let's work together to achieve your goals and navigate the path to parenthood with confidence and empowerment.

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